I'm trying this out to see if it helps me organize my thoughts more. Every Tuesday I'd like to just share 10 things I'm thinking about or learning about or experiencing. I think this will help me journal everyday life things and thoughts so one day when I realize that life was a blur when you have little babies I"ll have more written down to remember. So here goes:
1. I want to have a Mad Hatter Tea Party. We'll see if I can pull it off. :o) What fun would that be! I want to keep it simple but gotta love it when someone pulls off an over the top party like THIS
2. I'm really wanting to re-read all my biblical counseling books because the more I experience in life the more I'm convinced that we all need one on one consistent counseling in times of trial and difficulty. Counseling gets a bad rap and it's looked at as being weak, but both Dan and I have benefited from others taking the time to sit and hear us, listen to us but then love us enough to challenge us with the truth, God's truth of our current situation. We can get so blinded by what we feel and yet miss the Gospel and how it applies to our daily life and the changes it brings. Not that we're not to feel hurt, betrayed, lost, despairing, it's just that God is the one who is able to not leave us in that state.
3. Jack's dad and mom have written us this week and both are really wanting to parent him and it looks like he's all they think and focus on while they are serving their time in prison. (which is very understandable) But with each letter I'm faced with their feelings, our feelings, the truth of the situation in that they aren't probably what's best for him, the truth that he's not ours and we can't decide what's best for him, the fact that there are at least 5 families involved in his life now and they all have opinions and desires for him, the fact that I have no control in this, the fact that I really believe God placed him in our home for right now, And most of all God knows EXACTLY what he is to become and where he is to grow up for God loves him much more than all of us combined.
4. Is it me, or has it become more and more of a pressure to have a "brand/logo/defined identity" as a blogger. I mean, even if you're just a mommy wanting to blog randomness.... it's like you still need to have a logo or brand or "look" that defines your randomness. I'm not saying it's all bad... but I just don't like feeling the pressure.
5. Dan and I BOTH dreamed the other night (same night) that the other had bought a house for us without the other knowing. I woke up panicking! and then could NOT believe when Dan started telling me his dream first.
6. Found these blogs this new year and LOVE them! The Creative Mama * Green Wedding Shoes * How about Orange
7. Really wanting to take more personal family photos around the house... but really want a different look and really tired of hauling the big camera with big lenses out. So I don't know...maybe I should go polaroid...or 35mm for a while. I mean, I'm even to the point that I love the iphone camera look around the house more so than a properly lit high res photo from the big cam. ....now if only I had an iphone! :o)
8. Discovered that just by reading blogs online it doesn't inspire my creativity until I actually do one of the things I read about. Then...watch out! So, this year I really want to do some of the things that I bookmark because I think it's cool. Because then it can bless my home, family and others. Otherwise....it just sits online and I feel discouraged because others are so creative and I'm not or at least not taking the time to be. So, all you wanna be blog readers out there... do something, even if it's one project a year, you'll probably spend more time and money than you wanted to on it, but the long term benefits far out weigh that. It will bring out YOU and that's so beneficial to your family and loved ones! This month I made THESE ! ! ! so easy. so decedent.
9. I can't believe I"m already to nine..... I think the stage Zoe's at right now is simply AMAZING! She learns things in seconds. I'm feeling the normal joy that brings and the normal dread of "am I doing enough" that most parents feel as well. I just am in awe of her and the way her mind learns and processes things. I LOVE that she LIGHTS up when she sees people she knows. She loves giving eskimo kisses as of last night when I taught her what they were. mmmmm... it's just sooo much fun.
10 ! ! ! I don't have a single piece of my photography on my walls at home. That has to change. I think it's because I know what I want ....huge big canvases... and I can't afford them, so I do nothing. But that's not what I want my home to be, bare just because I want expensive things. So I really want to find a way to put photos on display and to be reminded of past years in each room I go in. I really like the concept of all different kinds of frames arranged together. But just haven't made it happen..... yet.