Think through your status updates!!
- Start a conversation. Ask a question.. what do you think? Anyone know a good chinese food place in fort worth? What books have you found to be helpful in raising toddlers? This connects you with others who may know a lot more on a certain subject you are interested in. And you might never have known you had that connection with someone unless you asked a question. And if your friend posts a update that asks a question or begs input... take a moment and comment, even if you don't know the answer you may know of someone who does or a website that has been useful to you for answers.
- Share Experiences: “going to see Alice in Wonderland” "Heading to NYC!" "Training for a 5K in June…can't wait" Connects you to others and Makes you a resource. Many times I've commented about a movie we were wanting to see and several people inquired about how it was and asked me to let them know if it was worth watching. So, not only does it help others in decisions they make but also has made me a better movie experiencer... etc.. Because I know I have others that want me to put into words my thoughts about what we're doing. Also connects you with people who may be going to or about to do the same thing you are... and what a great way to add further depth into your facebook relationships is to find opportunities to see them face to face or talk about an actual upcoming event.
- Share Information: Equips minds and hearts & Motivates People This type of update isn't one that's personal facts or opinions but just the facts! Jason Kovacs, who is head of the Abba fund that supports and helps fund adoptions, is great at doing this. i.e. "Last yr 14% of ATX kids in fostercare were reunited w families, 26% were adopted & 57% aged out w no support. 57 PERCENT!" "414 children in fostercare in Travis Co, TX....174 children r legally free & waiting to be adopted // Let's rise up church!" I don't know about you, but that motivates me... and moves my heart!!
Avoid Sharing Too Much Information: (just a few examples:)
“just discovered such and
such cleaner is great for cleaning puke off my minivan seats” Okay, this might be great information for a mommy forum... but I guess my rule of thumb would be if you wouldn't share this information at the dinner table maybe it might be too gross to share on FB. (just my opinion)
“fully effaced and I’m at 7cc… ready for my epidural.
Shouldn’t be long now.” I'm all about knowing about when a good friend is going into labor and having a baby come into this world. It's beautiful. However, Love your
brothers! Certain information may be uncomfortable for them, yes, they can choose not to read your updates.. BUT, I think there may just be better ways of letting the online world know your progress without too many details. Again... this is just my opinion. if you're the type to give a play by play of the birth.. I actually enjoy reading them, just know that not everyone will.
Having the worst day of my
entire life... Very FEW people who have written this update really WERE having the worst day of their life so far. It may be a really bad day but you might get more specific and I think you'd be surprised that people will pray for you and often that can change a really bad day into a day that contains hope and joy.
Avoid Sharing not enough Information:
“Tomorrow!!!” What's tomorrow? Please tell us.
“ughhhhhhhhhh” I use this a lot at the end of an update where I'm talking about what is frustrating me... but unless you just REALLY want to get a good ugh off your chest give us something more concrete we can pray and encourage you in.
I just can’t take this
anymore” ....we don't know if you're talking about class or Life??
Discussions of Theology as Tweets or FB Posts:
- You have access to hundreds of people on Facebook.
Believers and Unbelievers and Searchers. You have to be faithful to make much of Christ in all that you do and He will use your life to show others Himself.
- Provides a Venue for controlled
discussion. MOST of the time. Some people just can't control themselves and thus should probably not comment or post things of this nature. I myself have had to hide certain people because I get too worked up over things that they say and am tempted to comment back in frustration or anger. So, I just hide them. But when I'm walking in grace then I can look at most posts with an understanding that not everyone thinks the same things I do or believes the same way I do... so can I learn from them? can I join in to the conversation respectfully and be okay if they don't agree.
- Can encourage someone who needed to hear
truth that day. I'm thankful for those who post great quotes or verses on a daily/weekly basis. Because I need to be reminded of truth all the time. What I love even more is when someone connects those truths to something they are going through in life and how it's changed them or encouraged them. It really brings encouragement to life and so many will be able to understand and apply it to their own struggles and joys and daily walk.
- Does it edify others? Your Church? A
certain group? People? The President? I know in the name of being a Christian many people have criticized other groups, aspects of culture, Lost people, and our President. Now, I'm not saying it's not okay to disagree with those mentioned, in fact we will disagree with them in BIG ways. But I've found there is a way to challenge the things we want to see change and there is a way to lovingly make others aware of possible dangers or policies. Challenge a way of thinking... not a person's being.
- Is it Loving???? Does it meet the 1 Corinthians 13 challenge? Is it gentle, kind, patient, seeks not it’s own. So many times facebook statuses can be about theology but reflect someone's impatience with others or seeks it's own...attention, pride,etc..
- Does your life match up with what you’re
saying? Is it practically lived out? Family members are often ones who will keep you honest about things like this. I know with having so many siblings, we're all the time reading what we post on facebook... and several times have had to challenge what someone might have written because it's not in sync with their daily life.
- Can be confusing. we have to remember that all kinds of people in all kinds of places in life are reading what we write. So, not everyone will come to your page with the same background or presuppositions that you have. And that's okay. But when you can try to be as simple as you are detailed, as Big picture as you are specific. Just ask yourself before you post, will someone who wasn't raised in church or someone who doesn't attend seminary understand what I'm saying.. or have I given at least the resources to find out what I'm saying if they don't.
1 Corinthians 10:33, "I try to please all men in everything I do, not seeking my own advantage, but that of many, that they may be saved" (RSV).
- Gives ground for discord. I can't tell you how many times I've posted something with good intentions and it really opened up a can of worms. I feel that I'm not only responsible for my updates but also the comments others have following those posts. And most of the times I can usually jot a quick note to explain myself or clarify things. Sometimes I've just had to delete what I wrote and the comments too because I realize it wasn't encouraging and it provided too much opportunity for discord among friends... and among people who don't even know each other. I want to be one who encourages and brings people together. Just like in person to person... I need to know just who I can let my hair down around and talk about some things with and who I just shouldn't.
LOL. Guess I fall into the TMI category. I posted a total play by play of my labor!
Posted by: zsera | March 12, 2010 at 12:07 AM
super good thoughts. enjoyed them!
Posted by: db | March 08, 2010 at 07:13 PM