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October 23, 2008


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Rachel O

Yeah for "fringe" making it to America :)


i love the bangs.....i think they flatter almost any face!!!
thanks for the boost head is expanding right now.
no...thanks for the have awesome clients.
love you.


Casey Girl!!!
I love the new due, very sassy! Most of all I am glad that you were able to relax and enjoy being pamepered!
Hope to catch up soon.
Love you!


Isn't it nice when someone unexpectedly hits the "release" button and a dam (that you may not have even have known was there) lets up? That is the best kind of release and renew to me. This morning, listening to someone pray for my family in a very simple, but very sweet way did just that for me and the tears started flowing. It feels like palpable grace in the moment.

You look great with bangs. I don't remember WHEN the last time was that I had bangs OR what it looked like. I too *love* Kathleen. She cut mine and two of my girls' hair a few months ago. My little Ella thinks it is a rite of passage for "Miss Kaffween" to cut her hair and asks at least once a week :o) I am hoping to get in to have her cut a few pounds off of my head this week actually. Maybe I will do something very different this time...

~Blessings friend <3

Melissa Parnell

love the picture and your bangs...last time I got them, it was terrible! But thankfully, you fixed them for me before Elissa's wedding.

I'm so glad you had a relaxing day. We have been praying for you!


very VERY cute! love the bangs on you! for greasy (or "healthy" as i like to call it) head people like me, not so much. it doesn't look so hot when your hair is plastered to your forehead like saran wrap. you, on the other hand, look amazing with bangs!

Angey Price

Love the bangs! Can't wait to see them in person! "Spalon"- way cool!!!!

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