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September 21, 2008


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glad to hear from you dan! casey is so lucky to have you. you are both in my thoughts and prayers.

Mrs. H

You said that well. It is a risk to stick ourselves out and love. The capacity to love is such a gift from God, however and to love without fear of the risk is to use that gift to His glory. I have found since our loss (similar to yours), I have had my ability to feel, deepen. It feels like my lows were brought lower than I have felt before but on the reverse, my highs are now so much sweeter. God's goodness is so much richer.

Mom and Dad

The helplessness you felt that day for Asher and Casey is the helplessness we feel for you and Casey in these hard days. We love you both so much and wish we could take the hurt away for you. Having experienced the loss of a son 38 years ago we know the hurt you are feeling. If there was anything that we could do to take away this hurt we truly would. We know that the love of God is more than the love we as your parents can give to you in these hard days. You know to keep trusting him for your comfort and only God can give you that peace. The peace that "passes all understanding." We love the both of you and Asher more than you can know. The three of you have been such a blessing to us.

Mom and dad


I love my husband!! really REALLY do. Thanks for loving me, baby!

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