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« the least of these.... | Main | they said it best... »

September 16, 2008


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I hope you know how inspirational your posts are.. I dont even remember how I found your blog but I know God led me here for a reason!


I just bought Amazing Grace for $4, I absolutely love that movie!

kari breed

i haven't been able to read the last 3 posts either...thought it was just my computer. would love to read the whole post but it's cut off....


How come I cant read any of your posts??? Half of the last three have been cut off :(


can you give us all just some good questions that you'd like to be asked? that would be helpful? just desiring to love you well... continuing to pray for you and dan...

Elizabeth Cooper

Good days will come again! I know it doesn't seem so, but they will and you will be all the stronger when they do! Sending love and prayers your way, Elizabeth.


A verse I thought you could use! "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits have been crushed"

Psalm 34:18

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