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August 23, 2008


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melissa mailly

Hi Dan and Casey,

Your blog was passed on to me by some mutual friends, Brian and Debby Pickering. Debby thought of sharing about your little Asher with me because of a similar sorrow that my husband and I went through 3 years ago. Our son Matthias was born on August 9th, 2005 and went to Jesus on August 10th.

The pictures of your sweet little Asher brought tears to my eyes and I remember so vividly the pain of not having your child here with you. Praise God for the HOPE we have in Him! It is a hope that does not disappoint - a sure anchor for our souls when all else gives way.

Please know that although I don't know you, I am praying for you as you walk this road of grief. Your testimony of God's grace is encouraging to read. I'll remember Asher, too, on August 9th in the years to come. May God be your sure foundation until you join your precious son around the Throne.

With tears and hope,

Melissa Mailly

Sharon Wilson

I know that God will give you the grace you need for today and a little more for tomorrow. The road you're traveling isn't an easy one, but Praise God we never walk alone. It is totally an unexplanable place to be, and no two people travel the same. May God continue to hold you close as you continue to walk.
Love you guys, praying for you!


I can relate to where you are at Casey. I felt the same way when I had a miscarriage back in June. It is something totally unexpalinable. I continue to pray for you and Dan and I wish there was more I could do. Hugs!!

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