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« Two Inescapable Realities | Main | deeper still »

August 26, 2008


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Corie O'Brien

Hi Casey,
I got your blog from Tiffany Flamm in Colorado. We go to the same church. I have been praying for you and thinking of you. I lost my son in January and God has been so good to reveal so many of his miracles to us during this time. Not a miracle in healing here on earth, but I know he is well with Jesus. I had a c-section (my 5th!) and by the providence of God we had more time then we thought...23 hours. Maybe because of less stress. Only God know that for sure. But our son Larson testified to life to many unbelivers in the hospital room. We knew for 17 weeks that our son would not live. He had many things going against him..or not! He is having the best life now! This has been a hard journey for sure, but I love my Jesus even more. I could go on and on and I am sure you have heard a million stories of people, so I hate that I am one of them. I don't know if it brings you comfort or annoyance. Everyone is so different in this process. Know that I am praying for you. I don't know you, but would love to help you in any way if you need it! Much love to you in Christ! Corie


Got this verse in an email today and immediately thought of you and dan and asher!!

"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith, of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire, may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed" (1 Peter 1:6-7 NIV).


Thank you Lord for always being here. Thank you for giving Casey the words to thank you for every aspect of Asher's life. All the conversations and connections and every bit of love shown to all that have listened. You are truely an Awesome God and we stand in Awe of you! Casey, Thank you for sharing so much of your feelings and thoughts. Healing is coming even if it takes a long time.
Love to you All,

donna b

what a precious praise list that completely glorifies and recognizes our GREAT GOD! He continues to use this situation to encourage others through your blog posts. thank you.


I'm really glad you wrote this blog :-)

Dannette Hain

Dan and Casey,

You do not know me, The Nichols are members of my church. I have been following your blog since the night your precious Asher was born. I just wanted to share with you what a testimony you have been to me. It is such a blessing to listen and read how mindful you are (and consequently us) of how faithful and loving our Lord is. Your faith has challenged me in many areas. Thank you for sharing even through your grief. I am and will continue to pray for you in the days to come. Thank you also for sharing pictures of your beautiful son with us.

Dannette Hain


I keep Asher's picture where I can see it everyday so I can remember to pray for you guys. It's also a wonderful reminder of how God has worked in our lives through your testimony and Asher's short life. We love you, you are in on our hearts daily. Praise God for what He is revealing about Himself to you.

Traci Rafferty

I am SO happy that you wrote these out. Right after my dad died I could have written pages of blessings which occurred during his illness and death. I thought, "I'll remember these blessings forever!" But time passed and grief clouded and darkness made me question if there was anything good at all. Oh how I wish I would have had a list of blessings to fall back on to help me remember the faithfulness of God. My aunt once told me, "Remember in the darkness what you knew in the light." These lists of blessings will be a great comfort to you in the darkness of grief.

I cherish you! Traci

Meredith Yoder

Amazing! Praise to our Father, our Provider. Thanks for sharing. All our love, The Yoder Family

sue and alan reitter

i just want you two to know i'm holding you in my heart each day and praying....through your faithfulness and steadfast love you and dan have done so much to bring me back to where i need to be with my God and Father....Praise HIM who gives us strength!


Casey -Your faith and tender heart are wonderful comforts. I recently had a baby boy who is fortunately healthy. Your situation has reminded me of how important it is to thank GOD daily for your family. I have been struggling with the fact that I could not stay home with my son every day -but had to return to work. I have been selfish and feeling sorry for myself. When I learned of your Asher - I was convicted to be thankful and rejoice that my little one is with me. While it may not be much of a comfort to you - your situation is not for nothing. The LORD is using you and your rock solid faith as a lesson and encouragement to others. Your Asher has affected so many lives all ready -know that his life has impacted many and that Jesus is holding him on his lap while he waits for you to come home!


Casey, I am so encouraged in my own relationship with God just by reading the innermost thoughts you have been willing to share. I want you to know I really appreciate that.


Thank you for sharing the blessings with us. How faithful and loving our Lord is.


Hi Casey. You do not know me, but I have been a follower of your blog for a few weeks now. A friend of mine found your blog and she passed it along to me as a source of inspiration. I, too, lost a little one. Mine had Trisomy 13 and I lost him during my second trimester. It’s been 5 months since the loss and I have been up and down. The most amazing thing that came from the loss was the start of a journey into my faith. Long story short, I had no real relationship with God until two weeks before we found out about our baby’s fatal problems. He called to me and my husband, which resulted in us attending a church that I had heard about. Out of nowhere. Just wanted to go to church. Strange for someone who had only been a handful of times in her entire life. Well, we fell in love. I had never felt so fulfilled, inspired and excited about church. And I soon found out why. He was telling me that I needed Him. After two weeks of attending the church and fully immersing myself into my new-found faith, we learned of our baby’s Trisomy, and the fact that we’d soon lose him. 28 years of not knowing God and just two weeks before the biggest loss of my life, I’m introduced to Him. AMAZING timing, right?! I can’t imagine going through the loss of my son without Him by my side. He knew and He was prepping me. I look back and see so many other ways that he was preparing me for the loss too. Just amazing. Anyway, I could go on forever about how amazing His presence can be during the most difficult times of our you said in this post. I just want you to know that your blog has been a source of strength for me. Although I had come to grips with the loss, and had many moments of appreciation for His plan (not being grateful for losing my little one, but grateful for how God spoke to me and held me), I do have times of sheer pain and sadness. Your posts make me feel normal for the ups and downs, and SO inspired as to how to pull through. Thank you. You are truly an angel. I know that my little one is dancing happily, laughing, and playing with Asher as we speak. And, as parents, isn’t that a wonderful feeling?

Kim Edmondson

Casey - I am so thankful to GOD for bringing you , Dan and Asher into my life . HE always knows who and what we need to become better christians and to learn how to spread HIS word. Love to you all,

Jackie Reece

Your family's journey has been such a testimony for everyone. Your faith and your love for our wonderful God touches each person that reads your blog. God will grant you peace and He knows that you are his faithful servants and He will grant you blessings untold. Remember the Lord is holding little Asher and there is no better place to be. Your hearts will always have Asher there but God will give you strength to continue to work for Him and touch other people with your faith. I love you and will continue to pray for you. May the shower of blessings fall on you both.


your posts are a devotion for my weary heart, what a testimony you are sharing with the world. thank you.


I hope you know how amazing you are! You inspire me so much with all of your posts. Asher is so lucky to be able to call you mom. Your unawavering faith in our awesome God never ceases to amaze me. Keep your head up. God has so much planned for you and Dan.

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