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August 08, 2008


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Shakira Clark (Shades of Essence at The Experience Salon Studios)

I would just like to share my condolences with you and your family during this time. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless!

Shakira Clark

Pam Freeth

You have to let me show you the little red box I got when I had Olivia and the story that happened around it. Laughter and tears... more tears but the laughter was a gift and release because there was no laughter around us at that time. I cant tell you the story I just have to show you one day. Remind me.

Hugs to you and your sweet husband. I am praying for you constantly.


Sarah F Wilson

I was just able to read the wonderful news about little Asher. I began to cry as I thanked God for the answer to prayer. I know you still have a long road ahead, but congratulations!! on your new baby boy and the test results you have received! I will continue to keep your family in my prayers....Sarah Wilson


I know what you mean about the hormones :) Dont you love it??? My baby is almost 2 and I still burst into tears now and then ;) So glad you and Dan are enjoying your time together. Sounds like you have a pretty awesome husband!!


Casey, my college girlfriends and I called those "laugh/cries." We were always just as puzzled by them as you are. I like to think that the body just knows when it needs to "surrender" and so all that emotion and stress and joy comes out in one big "laugh/cry"!


Casey and Dan, Just telling you how happy I am that you have had good news. And praying constantly for baby, Asher! And relating to the poor kids think something happened to their poor mom. I am watching them play and then all of a sudden just crying my eyes out and for no apparent reason.

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