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« I'll never be the same! | Main | Our Beautiful Son »

August 12, 2008


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Pam & Dan Riley

I thank God for the Hope that we have. Asher's few precious moments on this earth has done more in the name of Jesus than many people will do all their lives..... I for one will never be the same for having known Dan and Casey and a little Angel Boy named Asher Daniel Chappell.

Even in our Grief, grief so strong and horrible, we still have the love of our Heavenly Father who is comforting us and carrying us through...holding us ... loving us...even now I can feel the arms of Jesus around me... Thank you Jesus..
Dan and Casey many people do not understand how we can go on .. but we know... we know...
we couldn't if we didn't have Jesus. amen?



Pam and Dan Riley

Cheryl Bragdon

Thank you for allowing us to share in your joy and the sorrow as well. We ache with you as Asher's time here was brief.

Your family has blessed many through this journey, and countless souls have been touched for Christ's glory, forever changed by the testimony of Asher's life.

You are dear to all and being covered in prayer.

Song of Solomon 7 ...You are altogether beautiful, my love;there is no flaw in you.

That is Gods heart for his precious one Asher, and all of us in Christ.

David and Angela Helms

Thank you for sharing your beautiful angel with us. Your trust in Christ is a true living testimony that will touch many. Casey and Dan your faces shine with God's radiance. I've never seen a more proud mom and dad.
David and Angela Helms
(Bradley Shook's cousins)

Tim and Audrey Brown

Dan and Casey

You have a beautiful son. My good friend Tiffany Flamm shared your story with me and I juat want you to know that we are praying for your family. We lost our only son 5 years ago. He had Prune Belly Syndrome and lived with us for 6 hours before he went to be with Our Lord. I am so sorry for your loss but I am blessed to see your heart through this.

Eric and Kelly Garner

What a beautiful blessing to have these pictures. Dan and are an amazing picture of Grace. I can't begin to tell you how you and your precious and beautiful baby have ministered to me. There aren't enough words.....


He is just adorable! Thanks you for being so open and sharing so much of this with us. It is amamzing to see your faith in God. God knew that you were the perfect parents for Asher! We are praying for God's peace to comfort you during this difficult time.

Heidi P.

I just stumbled upon your blog. Not sure how. I am over whelmed with the love of the Lord. I am so sorry for your loss. He is so beautiful, so sweet and so full of peace. I will be praying for your family. Asher looks so alive in these pictures. There is only one reason for this. It is Jesus. Only he can make something so beautiful and perfect. Bless you all and God bless.

Heidi P. from Chicago

Jessica Emmer Cobb

He is absolutely handsome and breath-taking! You both must be so proud of your son and honored by the ministry God is working through him. Though he only entered the world for moments before he was carried Home in the arms of Jesus, he touched more lives with Christ's Love than most of us can even dream of doing. What a beautiful blessing he is and will continue to be in all our lives!!

Thank you so much for sharing these sweet pictures. I love all three of you so much!

Your cousin Jess

Pam Freeth

Sharing Faith on a Rock
Closed eyes
World spinning
Held up by the Rock beneath me
Searching and praying for
All is well with my soul
Moments come where
Laughter Smiles release
Days run together
Pictures and memories give peace
I think I am alright
Anniversary coming
Brings on a heavy heart
Not enough air to breathe
Closing my eyes spinning
Held up by the rock beneath me
Searching and praying for
All is well with my soul
Time passes
I think I am alright
Another child to pray for
Compassion overflows
Knowing look into a mother’s eyes
Reflects my own
Embrace in quiet understanding
Where all words fail
Locking arms we close our eyes
World spinning
Held up by the Rock we stand on
Searching Praying
All is well with our souls


What a beautiful boy. My heart hurts for both of you. My prayers are with you.

Angela Gilbreath

I love Asher's hair! He looks so much like you Casey. Thank you for sharing your precious moments with us. You continue to be in our prayers.

We love you!

Angela and Larry

donna b

he's simply beautiful!!

donna b

he's simply beautiful!!


He is absolutely beautiful! Blessings as you continue to walk this difficult path.

Elizabeth Cooper

Casey, he's absolutely precious! What a beautiful, sweet, sorrowful memory you both will have. Thank you for your testament to so many people.

Hollie Carson

Wow- Beautiful.

Leslie Bumgarner

Casey & Dan, you both are an amazing example along with so many of your friends of what it means to walk a life marked by Christ's Radiance! I am so thankful for you both & will continue to lift you up! I didn't hear the news until Tues., as I was unable to get online, my heart broke and I haven't been able to stop thinking of you all! I haven't ever walked in your shoes as a mother, but I have walked in the shoes of a nurse many times caring for an infant and their parents during times like this! I know as my job allows I may go through this many more times (i use to want to avoid it at all costs, but now I know that this is part of my calling as God's child but also as a nurse as life and death are inevitable!)... I pray I may walk as you both do in Christ's radiance and show His love at all times! God bless you! thank you for your blog and the pics of your beautiful son, Asher and the beautiful songs! Leslie

Lisa Chambers

God bless you and your family... thanks for sharing the precious pics.

Toni Reitter

What a beautiful boy! You have every right to be proud of that little man!

Bonnie and Brian Horton

Asher is beautiful! We are so proud of him and his wonderful parents. All glory to God our Father for the wonders he has done through Asher!


Bonnie and Brian


what a beautiful baby!!!

Pam Freeth

He is so beautiful he takes my breath away. Thank you for sharing him with us and your faith. I've had you on all on my mind so much lately and always in my prayers. See you Thursday!

Brittany Nichols Shook

Holding little Asher was a miracle. It felt so good to have his sweet face next to mine and to wrap his fingers around my own. I am so proud to be an aunt for the very first time. I will always remember baby Asher. Casey, you and Dan are portraits of grace during this time. I love you both so very much. Congratulations on being a mommy and a daddy!!! I long for the day when we will be with Asher again. He is so beautiful!!!

Aunt Brittany

Sharon Wilson

What a beautiful little boy!
Love and prayers,


Asher is beautiful. know that Alex and I are praying for your hearts and wish we could be there for you on Thursday. We love you both.

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