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July 03, 2008


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Your last few words touched me so much. It is such an honor to know that you are providing life and safety for your baby inside of you. That is so awesome. That put so many things into perspective for me. Thank you for feeling that you can share all of your feelings with people that you do not eve know. Through you and your experiences I am able to see things so differently.

Rusty and Ashley Ramsey

I can't believe how much things have changed with you guys! That's great! I would love to Foster Parent when Rusty gets out of the Air Force! I know it's very rewarding! Mom said you guys would be down at Forest Park the 20th and 27th. We plan on coming down... we miss both of you and haven't seen you in almost 4 years! Looking forward to it. Glad baby seems stable and well right now!!! Hope things will continue to improve. I believe God is and will continue to work in your lives! We think about you a lot and keep you in our prayers. We too are expecting again in January. It's a touching and scary thing all at once! Love all 3 three of you; see you soon!

Rusty and Ashley

Lori Calloway

Hey Casey & Dan,
Just wanted you to know that I love you guys so much and I am praying for you and TRUSTING Him with you. We need to catch up!

Cheryl Schoenling

Don't look now, but you're becoming quite the mommy. :o)


Toni Reitter

I'm horrible with blogging, too, Casey!

which movie did you go see? (yes I'm being nosy)

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